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A fast data.table-based alternative to raster::freq().


freqDT(x, ...)

# S4 method for RasterLayer
freqDT(x, digits = 0, value = NULL, useNA = c("ifany", "no", "always"), ...)

# S4 method for RasterStackBrick
  digits = 0,
  value = NULL,
  useNA = c("ifany", "no", "always"),
  merge = FALSE,



A RasterLayer, RasterStack, or RasterBrick object field class.


Additional arguments as for raster::writeRaster(), on which this function relies.


Integer for rounding the cell values. Argument is passed to round


A single numeric, logical, or NA value. If supplied, freqDT() will only count the number of cells with that value.


Character (one of "no", "ifany", or "always"). What to do with NA values? See table for details.


Logical. If TRUE the list will be merged into a single data.table.


Joshua O'Brien


r <- raster(nrow = 18, ncol = 36)
r[] <- runif(ncell(r))
r[1:5] <- NA
r <- r * r * r * 5
#>    ID freq
#> 1: NA    5
#> 2:  0  293
#> 3:  1  134
#> 4:  2   75
#> 5:  3   77
#> 6:  4   46
#> 7:  5   18

freqDT(r, value = 2)
#> [1] 75

s <- stack(r, r*2, r*3)
freqDT(s, merge = TRUE)
#>     ID layer.1 layer.2 layer.3
#>  1: NA       5       5       5
#>  2:  0     293     233     209
#>  3:  1     134     104      84
#>  4:  2      75      57      49
#>  5:  3      77      55      40
#>  6:  4      46      43      45
#>  7:  5      18      37      28
#>  8:  6      NA      36      29
#>  9:  7      NA      27      18
#> 10:  8      NA      21      32
#> 11:  9      NA      19      24
#> 12: 10      NA      11      21
#> 13: 11      NA      NA      15
#> 14: 12      NA      NA      15
#> 15: 13      NA      NA      16
#> 16: 14      NA      NA      14
#> 17: 15      NA      NA       4